8.5 kWp
Choosing to start self-producing renewable energy is always an excellent and right choice for all of us and for our future, but it is important to take into consideration the type of installation surface, the space available and the obstacles present on the roof.
For all these factors, Sun Ballast ballasts are particularly suitable and in cases where the installation area is limited, the perfect solution is our Vela system.
The configuration of this system has been specifically designed to optimize space and maximize power, making sure that there is no unused space between the rows of panels, in fact the modules are positioned one behind the other, up to 3 rows of consecutive panels for 11° inclination and up to 6 rows of modules for 5° inclination. This structure allows almost 20% more modules to be installed compared to a traditional system.
In conclusion, our customer Stb Service di Stucchi Oscar has created in a simple way a beautiful photovoltaic system on a flat roof covered with gravel, capable of producing up to 8.5 kWp of renewable energy.