1015 kWp
An immense installation, in which more than 6000 ballasts and about 1300 bushings were used, the one made by our customer Rochat Solar SA in Switzerland A big installation, capable of producing up to 1015 kWp of renewable energy, which was possible thanks to the incredible support of the Sun Ballast technical department which was able to respond to the needs of our customer.
The entire system was installed on a flat roof entirely covered with gravel, but this was not an impediment to the construction, since the Sun Ballast weights do not need to be fixed to the roof, which makes them much easier to lay. and to be handled and suitable for installation on any surface without affecting the stability of the system in any way.
Also in this case, the ballasts of the Connect system, in fact, maintain their main technical characteristics of extreme stability and low load on the roof, thus managing to give back a strong and light system at the same time.